maple heights high school sign

MHHS Class of 1964

Our MHHS Class of 1964 Luncheons are once again happening.   Please contact Melanie Miguel or Joanne Artino  to be included in our mailing list. 

Reunion Information:
The main event will take place on FRIDAY, September 20th at the Hilton Garden Inn on Route 82 in Twinsburg. The hotel is located between Cracker Barrel and the Blue Canyon, just across from I-480.
Thursday, September 19th, there will be a Meet & Greet at the hotel in the evening.
The main event will be held in one of the Catering Rooms at the hotel. We will have food and music and other things. More information, including price, etc. will be coming as soon as we solidify everything.
For Saturday, we have reserved the Sagamore Hills Pavilion. It will be a “bring your own food and beverage” affair. No Alcohol. Time and other details will be added at another point in time.
Some of you have asked about doing something Sunday. One possibility is a visit to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The tickets for seniors are about $20 but we can get a group rate if we get 15 reservations. If you have another idea, please let us know.
I will be adding a poll later to see tentatively which events you would like to attend. I will also be adding the link to reserve a room at the hotel. Rooms are $149 per night. Questions, please ask.
Room information for residing at the Hilton Garden Inn during the reunion:
The link below is for the group room block for the reunion. You can use the link below to make your reservation. Please do not book your reservation without it!

Room Agreement Information

We also have some tentative plans for a breakfast or brunch one of the days, and possibly a pickle ball tournament so stay tuned!


We have a Facebook Group Page!  Please join by clicking here.

If you have any questions about luncheons, reunions, etc., or to notify us of an alumni death, or to give information about a missing alumni,  please contact us as per below. Just click on the name to send an email:

Missing Alumni, Alumni Deaths: Marie Califiura

Luncheons: Melanie MiguelJoanne Artino

Reunions:  Marie Califiura. Melanie Miguel

Website Issues: Melanie Miguel

MHHS Class of 1964 Reunion Poll
Min votes count should be 1

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Marie Calafiura recently visited the traveling Vietnam War Memorial and was kind enough to take the following photos of our deceased classmates, Nick Palumbo and Terry Perko. Please click to enlarge

Terry Perko
Nick Palumbo
Nick Palumbo
Nick Palumbo
Terry Perko
Nick Palumbo